Although the emphasis on family is one of the reasons that Blue Bloods is popular even after CBS confirmed its cancelation, the series also stands out because of Frank’s commitment to integrity, which makes him one of Blue Bloods’ best characters. Frank always does what he believes is right regardless of the personal or professional cost. His integrity helps him maintain self-confidence in the face of opposition, and he often disarms opponents to his decisions with a charming smile and a witty comment.
15. “Only A Fool Seeks Peace By Inciting Violence”
Season 6, Episode 10
Frank has deeply held political ideals, and his disdain for those who protest violently is one of the most consistent things about his character. He made this statement about rabble-rousers in an episode that included a story about anti-government advocates threatening to burn the American flag if they didn’t get their way. While audience members might disagree about whether burning the flag (or threatening to) constitutes violence, it’s interesting to look at Frank’s perception of the matter.